Want to get in touch? Contact Us

    Personal Details






    We use The Courier Guy as they deliver consistently good service and their rates are the best we've come across. Please tick the appropriate box.

    Getting your gear to us:

    I will send/drop off my gear to/at Wallend-Air, 368 Main Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800

    Please arrange for collection of my gear

    If you need your gear to be collected, please fill in below:

    Getting your gear back to you

    I will pick up my own gear in person or via a friend

    I will arrange my own courier collection for my gear. Please pack it for me.

    Please arrange delivery of my gear and I understand that Wallend-Air will quote, then invoice for this.

    My delivery address is the same as the collection address.

    If different, please complete below:

    You'll need the following information for your parcel.
    Attention to: Service Centre
    Service Centre address: 368 Main Road, Wynberg, Cape Town, 7800
    Office number: 0790376883 / 021 762 2441
